All posts tagged: Investing

Buying Property in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

If you are planning on investing in a home in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico then you know this is an important decision in your life. With this in mind, it is best to have all the information you can to hand. You can find some very useful guidance about buying property in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico online with several of the real estate offices, but before you do, here are five essential tips that you should know first. Full Property Ownership – Contrary to what some people think and promote, you have the right as a foreigner to be a full property owner in Puerto Vallarta and throughout the coastal areas of Mexico. All that is needed is a special bank trust (fideicomiso) if you plan on purchasing property around the coast of Mexico (within 50 km of federal land). This secure bank trust will allow you to be the full owner of the property in Puerto Vallarta without having to involve a third party or have a Mexican partner. The special bank trust is an added …