All posts tagged: Fraction

Fractional Retirement Living at Garza Blanca in Puerto Vallarta

As time passes by, retirement is inevitable.  It’s the period in one’s life where you get to enjoy the fruits of all your labor.  It is pretty exciting when it comes because finally you have time (and hopefully the money!) to dedicate to what makes you truly happy in life.  Making the right decision about your retirement is crucial to fully enjoy what you have worked so hard for.  Travel and leisure will surely be considerations, maybe even a change of residence during the winter months.  Retirees from countries like the United States and Canada have long realized the benefits of moving to Mexico for retirement, many of them opting for fractional retirement living in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. How about you? Let’s take a look at what is in store for you if you decide on fractional retirement living at Garza Blanca in Puerto Vallarta? Why is Puerto Vallarta a popular choice for Fractional Retirement Living? Many retirees from the USA and Canada choose Puerto Vallarta as the place for their fractional retirement living primarily …

To Fraction or Not to Fraction?

To fraction or not to fraction? That is the question!  Want a million dollar property but have a $100,000 dollar budget? Not quite ready to take on the responsibility and expenses of managing a home for 365 days a year? Don’t yet know if Puerto Vallarta is the place you want to retire, but like the idea of enjoying a month or two in paradise? Waiting for the kids to leave the nest so you can finally enjoy some YOU time? If you answered YES to the above, you might just be the perfect candidate for fractional ownership! Say Bye Bye to Beach Rental Blues With 2016 just around the corner, now’s the moment to start thinking outside the box regarding how you like to spend your free time, and in particular, your retirement.  Fractional property ownership in Puerto Vallarta is starting to make a lot of sense to a lot of people, especially those who are not yet ready to make the leap into full time PV living. Trade time consuming beach rental hunting …