Day: July 6, 2019

7 Tips for Foreigners Who Move to Mexico

Mexico has long attracted visitors to enjoy the beautiful weather, delicious cuisine and outstanding natural beauty. Many people end up wanting to set down roots, or buy a second home in paradise. Are you planning on making the move to Mexico? If so, read our Top 8 tips for foreigners that are new to Mexico.  You will see that with a little understanding and patience, your new life can be incredibly satisfying and fulfilling. #1 Learn Spanish Although many foreigners that move to Mexico don’t end up learning Spanish, it’s a great idea to try learn the basics. The more Spanish you understand will allow you to have a more complete experience and better opportunities in all areas. Language and communication between individuals creates a sense of community. Therefore, learning the local language will allow you to have a better understanding of the people around you and will deepen your cultural experience.  Also, having a decent comprehension level of Spanish could allow for you to find work that you wouldn’t qualify for otherwise. #2 Be …